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- Master of ScienceMSAccountancy30Online
- Bachelor of ScienceBSAccounting120Online
- Master of Business AdministrationMBAAccounting36Online
- Bachelor of ScienceBSApplied Computer Science120Online
- Bachelor of ArtsBAApplied Psychology120Online
- Bachelor of ArtsBABusiness Administration120Online
- Bachelor of ArtsBABusiness Administration - General Business120Online
- Bachelor of ArtsBABusiness Administration - Healthcare Management120Online
- Bachelor of ArtsBABusiness Administration - Human Resource Management120Online
- Master of ScienceMSBusiness Analytics30Online
- Bachelor of ArtsBACommunication and Leadership120Online
- Master of Business AdministrationMBACommunications and Public Relations36Online
- Master of ScienceMSComputer Science30Online
- Master of ScienceMSCurriculum & Instruction with Teacher Certification in Elementary Education30Online
- Master of ScienceMSCurriculum & Instruction with Teacher Certification in Secondary Education30Online
- Bachelor of ScienceBSDiagnostic Medical Sonography131On Campus
- Bachelor of ScienceBSDiagnostic Medical Sonography: Completion120Online
- Undergraduate CertificateUndergraduate CertificateDirector of Church Ministries47Online
- Doctor of Business AdministrationDBADoctor of Business Administration60Online
- Doctor of EducationEdDDoctor of Leadership in Innovation and Continuous Improvement (LICI)60Online
- Doctor of PhilosophyPhDDoctor of Leadership in Innovation and Continuous Improvement (LICI)60Online
- Doctor of Nursing PracticeDNPDoctor of Nursing Practice30Online
- Doctor of Occupational TherapyOTDDoctor of Occupational Therapy109On Campus
- Doctor of Physical TherapyDPTDoctor of Physical Therapy101On Campus
- Doctor of PhilosophyPhDDoctorate of Philosophy Business Administration60Online
- Master of Business AdministrationMBAFinance36Online
- Master of Business AdministrationMBAHealthcare Administration36Online
- Master of Business AdministrationMBAHuman Resource Management36Online
- Master of Business AdministrationMBAInnovation and Entrepreneurship36Online
- Master of Business AdministrationMBALeadership36Online
- Master of ScienceMSLeadership30Online
- Bachelor of ArtsBALower and Upper Elementary Education120Online
- Bachelor of ArtsBALower Elementary and Special Education Endorsement120Online
- Continuing EducationContinuing EducationLutheran Teacher Diploma19Online
- Master of Business AdministrationMBAManagement36Online
- Master of Business AdministrationMBAManagement Information Systems36Online
- Master of Business AdministrationMBAMaster of Business Administration36Online
- Master of Social WorkMSWMaster of Social Work36/63Online
- MinorMinorMinor in Social Work18Online
- Master of Science in NursingMSNMSN - Nurse Practitioner41Online
- Master of ScienceMSNatural Products Science30Online
- Graduate CertificateGraduate CertificateNatural Products Science12Online
- Master of Business AdministrationMBANonprofit Management and Public Administration36Online
- Doctor of Nursing PracticeDNPNursing: Post BSN to DNP70Online
- Bachelor of Science in NursingBSNNursing: RN to BSN Online Completion120Online
- Bachelor of Science in NursingBSNNursing: Traditional121On Campus
- Master of Business AdministrationMBAOperations Management and Analytics36Online
- Master of ScienceMSPhysician Assistant Studies113On Campus
- Bachelor of ArtsBAPublic Service - Leadership120Online
- Bachelor of ArtsBAPublic Service - Management of Criminal Justice120Online
- Bachelor of ScienceBSRadiologic Technology121On Campus
- Bachelor of ScienceBSRadiologic Technology: Completion120Online
- Bachelor of ScienceBSRehabilitation Science120On Campus
- Master of Business AdministrationMBAResearch for Business Applications36Online
- Bachelor of Social WorkBSWSocial Work120Online
- Master of Business AdministrationMBAStrategic Marketing36Online
- Associate of ArtsAATheological Studies63Online
- Bachelor of ArtsBATheological Studies120Online
- Bachelor of ArtsBAUpper Elementary and Special Education120Online